The Discseel Procedure for Degenerative Disc Disease

The Discseel Procedure for Degenerative Disc Disease

Back pain is common, especially as you age, and it can have a major impact on your life. The pain can limit your mobility and keep you from doing the activities you once enjoyed. When degenerative disease is the culprit, the result is pain, stiffness, limited mobility, and a diminished quality of life. 

The Discseel® procedure is an innovative noninvasive treatment that addresses the root cause of degenerative disc disease. At Dr. Stem Cell in Encino, California, Bruce Fishman, MD, MPH, FICS, specializes in using innovative regenerative therapies to manage and treat a range of orthopedic issues, and he’s proud to offer Discseel to patients living with degenerative disc disease. 

Degenerative disc disease overview

Degenerative disc disease occurs when the discs between the vertebrae, which act as shock absorbers, lose their cushioning capability. As the discs collapse or wear down, the resulting lack of a buffer causes pain and stiffness. 

Typical symptoms include pain that worsens when sitting, and pain, stiffness, and numbness in the neck or lower back. Aging is a primary factor, but genetics, injury, and lifestyle choices can also contribute to developing degenerative disc disease. 

While not everyone with disc degeneration experiences pain, for those who do, it can have a major impact on quality of life. 

What is Discseel? 

Discseel is a minimally invasive procedure that uses an FDA-approved biologic substance called Fibrin to seal tears in the disc. As discs age, they tend to dry out and crack, allowing the inner jelly-like center to leak out. When this happens, the disc loses height and cushioning ability. 

When injected into the damaged disc, Fibrin seals and tears and promotes tissue growth, which helps to restore disc height. The Discseel procedure takes less than an hour and doesn’t involve any surgery or cutting. 

View Dr. Fishman’s video demonstration and explanation on Discseel here.

The science behind Discseel 

Fibrin is a protein involved in the clotting process. This biologic substance can be separated from your bloodstream and activated to work as a sealant. When you undergo the Discseel procedure, the injected Fibrin adheres to the tears, facilitating your body's natural healing process. 

This essentially helps rejuvenate the damaged disc, making it more resilient than before. Fibrin is taken from your own body, which minimizes the risks of issues like allergic reactions or rejections. 

Advantages of Discseel

The main advantage of Discseel is that it targets the root cause of degenerative disc disease. Until now, degenerative disc disease has remained challenging to treat. Traditional therapies such as corticosteroid injections provide only temporary pain relief.

Discseel helps regenerate damaged discs to provide effective, lasting pain relief and restored mobility, Unlike surgical interventions that may require long recovery periods, patients who choose Discseel often return to their daily activities within a short time. 

Who is a candidate for Discseel? 

Discseel isn’t suitable for everyone. Our team conducts a thorough evaluation to determine if Discseel is an appropriate option for your back pain. Factors that determine suitability include the severity of the disease, location of the damaged discs, and any underlying health conditions. 

To learn more about the Discseel procedure and to find out if it’s right for you, call Dr. Stem Cell to schedule a consultation. Take the next step in your journey toward restoring a life with less pain.

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