Degenerative Disc Disease: How to Slow Down the Progression

Like all joints in the body, the discs of your spine undergo degenerative changes as you age. Most people have some spinal degeneration, usually starting in their 30s. However, the majority of people don’t develop chronic back pain as a result of these changes. 

For people with degenerative disc disease, these changes cause persistent low back pain. At Dr. Stem Cell in Encino, California, Bruce Fishman, MD, MPH, FICS, combines cellular therapy with Discseel® to help slow the progression of degenerative disc disease. 

Degenerative disc disease and back pain

In degenerative disc disease the intervertebral discs that provide cushion between the bones of the spine undergo changes. They lose their hydration and elasticity, causing them to dry out, and making them vulnerable to damage. Tears in the outer portion of the disc cause the inner structure to leak. 

In the past, corticosteroid injections, narcotic medication, and surgery were the only treatment options for herniated discs.

The Discseel procedure

Discseel does an excellent job of sealing herniated discs to encourage them to heal. The Discseel procedure includes injecting fibrin, a biologic substance, directly into the damaged disc.

Fibrin is a protein that works in the body's initial reaction to an injury. Each fibrin molecule interlaces to form a thin mesh around your wound. This mesh is essential for capturing the platelets and red blood cells required to form blood clots.

Without fibrin, even minor wounds would continue to bleed. Fibrin is the foundation for clots, scabs, scars, and, eventually, healthy skin. 

Advantages of the Discseel procedure

Fibrin determines how healthy and flexible each portion of your body remains as you age. Low fibrin levels can be linked to persistent discomfort, decreased flexibility, and chronic inflammation. 

Discseel is intended to seal any rips in the disc and prevent the leakage of its inner gel-like fluid, which is frequently the cause of pain.

Patients who undergo the Discseel procedure frequently report a decrease in discomfort quickly, with further improvement over time. This rapid recovery allows patients to resume their normal activities considerably sooner than with standard surgery.

Discseel's ability to maintain the natural structure and function of the spine is a significant benefit. Unlike surgical treatments like spinal fusion, which restricts the spine's mobility, Discseel preserves the spine's flexibility and range of motion. This is especially critical for preserving overall spinal health and functionality.

Cellular therapy: A synergistic combination

While the Discseel procedure seals herniated discs, cellular therapy assists in generating new healthy tissue. Therapy involves injecting specialized cells into the affected area that promote healing. This helps stimulate healthy tissue growth.

Cellular therapy involves harvesting cells, processing them, and then injecting them into the herniated disc. Once injected, these cells have the capacity to reduce inflammation and encourage regeneration of damaged tissue. 

Advantages of cellular therapy

Along with the Discseel procedure, cellular therapy’s ability to address the root cause of disc degeneration is the most significant benefit in treating degenerative disc disease. By promoting healing and tissue regeneration, this therapy not only alleviates pain and discomfort, but also improves spine flexibility and mobility. 

What to expect after treatment

It takes time for the cells to integrate and regenerate tissue. Initially, you may experience mild discomfort, but these symptoms typically resolve quickly. 

Some patients report feeling improvements within a few weeks. During this time, regular follow-up appointments are essential. These check-ins allow Dr. Fishman to monitor your progress and make any necessary adjustments to your treatment plan. 

If you’re dealing with the pain, limited mobility, and impact on your quality of life related to degenerative disc disease, consider finding out more about cellular therapy and Discseel. Contact us at Dr. Stem Cell to schedule a visit with Dr. Fishman.

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