How Emsculpt® Builds Muscle Mass

How Emsculpt® Builds Muscle Mass

If exercise and healthy eating haven’t resulted in your dream figure, or if a busy lifestyle makes it difficult to hit the gym, Emsculpt® might be a great addition to your current regimen. It’s the only FDA-cleared body sculpting device that eliminates fat and builds muscle at the same time. The best part? There’s no surgery or downtime!

At Dr. Stem Cell in Encino, California, Dr. Bruce Fishman, MD, MPH, FICS, takes pride in remaining on the cutting edge of medicine. Our medical team provides future-forward treatments in orthopedics, sexual health, aesthetics, and more. We’re excited to offer men and women in the greater Los Angeles area this revolutionary approach to body contouring.

What is Emsculpt?

Emsculpt utilizes a form of radiofrequency-based energy called high-intensity focused electromagnetic (HIFEM). The technology triggers thousands of powerful muscle contractions not possible in a typical exercise session. 

The forced contractions cause the muscle tissue to adapt, resulting in deep remodeling of the inner structure that builds muscle mass and burns fat. The result is a sculpted look.

The science behind Emsculpt

The process of building muscle mass naturally involves contractions triggered by signals from the brain. However, with Emsculpt, these contractions are mimicked and intensified. 

During a single 30-minute Emsculpt session, the targeted muscle experiences about 20,000 contractions — equivalent to doing the same number of squats or sit-ups. The super-intensive contractions force the muscle to respond with restructuring, eventually building muscle mass.

Benefits of Emsculpt

Beyond muscle-building, Emsculpt offers numerous benefits. It's a noninvasive treatment, and you experience minimal discomfort with no need for recovery time. Emsculpt is versatile, effectively targeting various areas, including the buttocks, abdomen, thighs, and arms.

Building muscle in your core helps back pain. Leg muscle treatments can benefit those with injuries or knee pain as well as patients who’ve had knee surgery.

Emsculpt is also beneficial for enhancing athletic performance. Athletes have reported improved muscle definition, increased strength, and better endurance after treatment sessions. It's equally effective for those who want to kick-start their fitness journey.

Keep in mind that maintaining a balanced diet and regular exercise routine is vital in conjunction with Emsculpt treatments to ensure long-lasting results.

Who is an ideal candidate for Emsculpt?

Emsculpt is suitable for anyone looking to build muscle mass or enhance their current exercise routine. It's also an ideal treatment for those who, due to certain limitations, can’t participate in regular physical activity but want to improve their muscle tone.

At Stem Cell Institute of Los Angeles, we're committed to helping our clients reach their body goals with personalized and effective treatments. Whether you're seeking a more toned abdomen or striving for better body contouring, Emsculpt could be your path to achieving your muscle-toning goals.

Get started with Emsculpt treatments

After an initial consultation, we design and tailor a treatment plan to your specific needs. Each Emsculpt session at Stem Cell Institute of Los Angeles is overseen by experienced professionals, ensuring you're comfortable and fully informed about the process.

While some patients start noticing improvements after their first session, we generally recommend a minimum of four sessions for optimal results.

If you’re ready to build muscle mass and achieve the ultimate in body contouring at Dr. Stem Cell, give us a call to schedule your initial consultation. Your best body is yet to come!

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