Shoulder Pain Specialist

Dr. Stem Cell

Regenerative orthopedics located in Encino, Ventura County, Calabasas and Los Angeles, CA

Shoulder pain limits your arm movement, making it impossible to perform everyday tasks like reaching for a cup in an overhead cabinet. Bruce Fishman, MD, MPH, FICS, Melat Haile, FNP, and the experienced team at Dr. Stem Cell offer innovative stem cell therapy, a treatment option that helps to alleviate pain and improve your range of motion when other medical options fail. To learn more about stem cell therapy for shoulder pain, call the office in Encino, California, or book an initial consultation online.

Shoulder Pain Q & A

What types of shoulder pain benefit from stem cell therapy?

Stem cell therapy for shoulder pain is one of the fastest-growing regenerative treatments because it doesn’t just temporarily relieve your pain. Stem cells may provide long-term relief by healing the damaged tissues.

The team at Dr. Stem Cell considers stem cell therapy for all causes of shoulder pain, including conditions such as:

  • Osteoarthritis
  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Tendinitis and tendinosis
  • Shoulder bursitis
  • Labral injuries (SLAP and Bankart tears)
  • Rotator cuff injuries 

Osteoarthritis is a degenerative disease, and rheumatoid arthritis arises due to an autoimmune disorder. The other conditions in this list most often occur due to repetitive movement that leads to overuse injuries, high-energy movements such as pitching, and acute injuries such as a shoulder dislocation.

What symptoms develop in addition to shoulder pain?

The problems that cause shoulder pain generally lead to additional symptoms such as:

  • Inflammation and swelling
  • Pain when touching your shoulder
  • Limited range of motion in the shoulder
  • Pain when lifting and lowering your arm
  • Difficulty using your arm
  • Shoulder and arm weakness
  • Crackling sensations when moving your shoulder

If you have bursitis caused by an infection, you may also have redness and a fever.

How does stem cell therapy alleviate shoulder pain?

Stem cells are uniquely designed to self-replicate and produce new cells. Adult stem cells live throughout your body. When you’re injured, they migrate to the damaged area and perform multiple tasks: They regenerate new tissues to repair the injury, regulate inflammation, and release biochemicals such as exosomes and cytokines that stimulate healing.

When you receive stem cell therapy, a concentrated number of stem cells are injected into the injured tissues in your shoulder. The injected cells relieve your back pain as they heal the tissues.

Where do the stem cells come from?

The team at Dr. Stem Cell uses mesenchymal stem cells and exosomes because they help regenerate tissues such as tendons, ligaments, muscles, and cartilage. Our Stem Cells are harvested from the Umbilical Cord Wharton's Jelly. We obtain them from an FDA Certified Transplant Laboratory located in Southern California. Our staff has personally toured the facility to ensure the highest quality and standards for our patients.

What should I expect before and during stem cell therapy?

If you have shoulder pain and you’re interested in stem cell therapy, it starts with an initial consultation at Dr. Stem Cell to determine if you’re a good candidate for stem cell treatment

Dr. Fishman performs a complete exam, including X-rays, and possibly an MRI, CT, or nerve study to evaluate the source of your shoulder pain. If you’re approved for stem cell therapy, -

Two days before your stem cell treatment you will receive our unique IV infusion treatment containing vitamins, peptides and proteins. This will boost your cellular function and enhance your response to Stem Cell treatment. You will then be sent for Hyperbaric Oxygen Treatment to support your upcoming Stem Cell procedure. 

Dr. Fishman then uses fluoroscopic or ultrasound guidance to inject the stem cells precisely at the damaged tissues that are causing your shoulder pain.

In some cases, Dr. Fishman may mix the stem cells with platelet-rich plasma (PRP), which supports and accelerates healing. They produce PRP  in the office from a sample of your blood.

After your Stem Cell procedure you are immediately sent for a second Hyperbaric Oxygen treatment. 

Most patients need only one treatment session, with one injection for each damaged disc or joint, to alleviate their shoulder pain. 

You will follow up with Dr. Fishman 4 weeks after your Stem Cell procedure. At that time, you will have your first FDA approved muscle building emscult treatment if appropriate to your condition. 

You need to rest for a few days after your procedure, and you’ll notice that your shoulder pain improves over the next few months as the stem cells rebuild tissues and rehabilitate your injury. You will have regular follow ups with your doctor at 3, 6 and 12 months to document your improvement. 

If you suffer from chronic shoulder pain, call Dr. Stem Cell or book an initial consultation online.