Wellness Benefits of IV Therapy

Individualized intravenous (IV) therapy harnesses the superior delivery of IV administration to get fluids and nutrients directly into your system through a vein. This effective method of delivering substances bypasses the digestive system, meaning IV treatments accelerate the effectiveness of treatment and ensure maximum absorption.

Hospitals have relied on IV therapy to deliver crucial medications and nutrients for decades. Today, cutting-edge regenerative medicine physician Bruce Fishman, MD, and his team at Dr. Stem Cell in Encino, California, are proud to be one of the select few practices offering individualized IV therapy.

Whether you’re an athlete looking to enhance recovery from training or you desire to boost your energy and burn fat, a customized IV treatment may be just the thing to give you an edge. Here, we describe the many ways we use IV treatments to help boost your wellness.

Versatile treatment

There’s no need to wait until you’re feeling under the weather to seek IV therapy. Dr. Fishman can customize your treatment plan based on your individual needs. The nutrient combination in your IV is created just for you and your current wellness goals.

Restoring hydration

Your body is made of around 60% water. Physical activity, a drop in fluid intake, and hot California temperatures are just a few things that can lead to dehydration.

A hydration IV infusion immediately hydrates your body, providing the optimal level for your body’s needs. Whether you’re tired and jet lagged or looking to recover faster after having a few cocktails, IV hydration can restore fluid balance so you feel better quickly.

Enhancing athletic performance

Professional and recreational athletes are always looking for a way to get an edge. Meeting the body’s demand for nutrients is an excellent way to maintain peak performance.

Physical activity and intensive workouts place added strain on your entire system. An IV treatment containing crucial a mixture of vitamins, minerals, and amino acids can:

IV therapy is ideal for people who lead a physically active lifestyle. 

Supporting fat-burning

If you’ve wanted a way to enhance your body’s own ability to burn fat, IV therapy can help. We can formulate a unique blend of nutrients and fat-burning compounds (lipotropics) that support fat loss. When administered as part of a comprehensive weight loss program, specially formulated IV treatment can help your body naturally break down stored fat.

Boosting overall well-being

The Myers’ cocktail is a powerful combination of essential vitamins and nutrients that aids your overall well-being by:

The Myers’ cocktail increases blood concentration of vital nutrients above what can be achieved with oral supplements. Nutrients like vitamin B12 support memory and recall, while nutrients like vitamin C boost immunity. 

These nutrients are essential to many body functions, and when these levels are less than optimal, your overall well-being slumps. The nutrients in the Myers’ cocktail are synergistic, working together to enhance your overall wellness.

Customized IV therapy at Dr. Stem Cell delivers vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and other crucial nutrients directly into your bloodstream. This fast, effective method of delivering nutrients can help you feel great. To learn more about what IV therapy can do for you, call our office to schedule a consultation, or request an appointment online.

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